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Previous administrations have abandoned future generations by neglecting the environment. We in Springfield must serve as an aggressive balance to Washington by focusing on Environmental issues. Arguably the best way to do this by focusing on environmental justice issues. Communities like Little Village and Belmont Cragin must be cleaned up after previous injustices.


We also need to explore options on how we can increase recycling and access to open spaces across the state of Illinois. These things are the result of decades of environmental injustices and we must reverse that trend now.


Public Safety

Everyone deserves to live in a community where they feel safe. I believe that creating economic opportunity and positive learning spaces for children to go after school goes a long way towards improving public safety. I will also fight to bring resources to community policing programs.

Ethcs Reform

Ethics Reform

It is no secret that Illinois government has a serious problem with corruption. This is costing taxpayers and breaking our trust in our leaders. I will make ethics reform a major priority, with new regulations on outside employment for elected officials, as well as tougher new penalties for ethics violations.

Public Safety

Strong Schools

Successful local schools are the foundation of strong middle class neighborhoods. I will fight to make sure funding is getting to our students and our classrooms. As a mom, and daughter of teachers, education is a personal passion of mine and I will keep education issues at the forefront of everything I do in Springfield.

Strong Schools

Property Tax Reform

Eva Dina will make Property Tax Reform a top priority as your State Representative. For too long, working families and seniors in neighborhoods like ours have carried too much of the burden, while wealthy developers get tax breaks. We need property tax reform now. Illinois is also the top state people have moved out of the past 10 years, and we need this trend to stop now.

Property Tax Reform

Economic Development

Economic Development is a double-edged sword that must be carefully monitored. Different areas of the 3rd District face very different challenges. The economic development in Logan Square has pushed neighbors out. Yet not far away, Hermosa is gentrifying without bringing any jobs to the neighborhood. As State Representative, I will keep a close eye on Economic Development in the District. I strongly support Neighborhood Benefit Agreements whenever possible, but when it is not possible, local neighborhood organizations must be engaged from the very start.

Economd Developmnt

Public Transportation & Infrastructure

In the 3rd District you can see the very best and the very worst of public transportation. The CTA blue line is packed every day, saving families and young people enough money that they can live in our great neighborhoods.


At the same time, our bus routes are poorly served. We simply do not have enough buses along the Fullerton, Grand or Diversey corridors. This is enough of a problem that there are children in our community who have never been to the beach less than 10 miles away. I look forward to utilizing my experience as a Director at the CTA, and working with the Active Transportation Alliance and others to increase access to public transportation.


Infrastructure is also a big issue for the 3rd District. Many of our roads are far from what they should be. This not only looks bad, but creates hazards and financial issues for working families with having to repair their cars too often due to poor street quality. I will fight to bring resources to our District to get funding for infrastructure updating and repair.   

Public Transprtation & Infrastructure


Friends for Eva-Dina Delgado

405 West Superior Street,
Suite 703 Chicago, IL 60654


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© 2023 Paid for by Friends for Eva Dina Delgado. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board's official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois. 

EIN: 84-3719609

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