
Amends the Procurement of Domestic Products Act. Establishes the Made in Illinois and America Office as a department under the jurisdiction of the Executive Ethics Commission. Provides for the appointment of a Director of the Office. Provides for duties of the Office. Provides for the adoption of rules regarding the Office. Provides that purchasing agencies shall promote the purchase of and give preference to manufactured articles, materials, and supplies that have been manufactured in Illinois (currently, the United States). Provides that, if the purchasing agency determines that certain conditions apply to a procured product, then, with respect to that procurement, the purchasing agency shall give preference to manufactured articles, materials, and supplies that have been manufactured in the United States. Provides waiver requirements under the Act. Requires purchasing agencies to submit compliance reports. Defines terms. Makes conforming changes. Effective immediately.

Amends the Public Utilities Act. Provides that during the month of June (rather than October) of each year, the Illinois Commerce Commission shall make specified determinations with respect to moneys deposited into the Public Utility Fund during the next (rather than current) fiscal year and the moneys expected to be expended or obligated against appropriations made from the Fund during the next (rather than current) fiscal year. Effective immediately.

Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Requires that the sale of a motor vehicle that bears equipment, markings, or other indicia of police authority include the removal of all spot lamps from the vehicle prior to delivery of that vehicle.

Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that the Secretary of State, in issuing professional sports teams license plates, shall include the option to display the logo of the Chicago Sky or the Chicago Red Stars.

Amends the Chicago Laborers Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In a provision concerning the board of trustees, provides that the City Treasurer, with the prior approval of the board, may also appoint a designee from among employees of the city who is versed in the affairs of the City Treasurer's office to act in the absence of the City Treasurer on all matters pertaining to administering the Article. Makes grammatical changes. Effective immediately.

Amends the Public Utilities Act. Provides that a certificate of service authority granted to an alternative retail electric supplier or alternative gas supplier or a license granted to an agent, broker, or consultant engaged in the procurement or sale of retail electricity supply for third parties is not property and the grant of a certificate or license does not create a property interest. Makes changes in provisions concerning certification of alternative retail electric suppliers; Illinois Commerce Commission oversight of services provided by alternative retail electric suppliers; licensure of agents, brokers, and consultants engaged in the procurement or sale of retail electricity supply for third parties; and certification of alternative gas suppliers. Amends the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act. Provides that if the Commission finds that an alternative retail electric supplier has violated specified provisions, it may require a violating alternative retail electric supplier to pay a fine of up to $10,000 (rather than $1,000) into the Public Utility Fund for each violation (rather than each repeated and intentional violation) or, for a pattern of violation or for violations that continue after a cease and desist order (rather than intentionally violating a cease and desist order), revoke the violating alternative retail electric supplier's certificate of service authority. Provides that complaints may be filed with the Commission by a consumer, or by the Commission on its own motion, when it appears that an alternative retail gas supplier has provided service in a manner not in compliance with specified provisions. Provides for actions that the Commission may take if, after notice and hearing, the Commission finds that an alternative retail gas supplier has violated specified provisions.

Amends the Regional Transportation Authority Act. Provides that, by January 1, 2023, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and its MPO Policy Committee, in coordination with the Authority, shall develop and submit a report of legislative recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly regarding changes to the recovery ratio, sales tax formula and distributions, governance structures, regional fare systems, and any other changes to State statute, Authority, or Service Board enabling legislation, policy, rules, or funding that will ensure the long-term financial viability of a comprehensive and coordinated regional public transportation system that moves people safely, securely, cleanly, and efficiently and supports and fosters efficient land use. Provides for the content and development of the report. Repeals the provisions on January 1, 2024. Effective immediately.